Tuesday, March 25, 2008

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

I love the Spring time. I adore the Spring time. I love how nature makes itself new, everything re-born. I love shedding my heavy winter coat for a light jacket, if anything at all. I love the scents of spring. I love the sights. The smells. I love the season of spring!!

Once the weather started getting warmer, something inside of me snapped. I can't explain it, but it's a snap unlike anything I've experienced before. I strive to be more healthy. For some reason, making commitments is easier for me at the change of the season, instead of the dead of winter (like the New Year). I have not gained obscene amounts of weight or had a bad checkup with my doctor, I just decided that it's time to whip myself in shape.

I haven't done anything drastic, so far. I started small... like going on an "elevator strike" at work. I only take the stairs now. I park in the farthest spot from the front door of my building at work. I eliminated soda, and drink a minimum of 64 ounces a day. When the weather is good, I have my girls walk a mile down the road to a horse ranch, and back. When I don't have the girls, I jog or walk fast through some nearby neighborhoods. I avoid foods with high fats and sugars (but don't deprive myself). Lately I started alternating my arm and leg strength training at the gym in my work building, 5 days a week.

Like I said, nothing drastic, but I've got to start somewhere. And I feel really, really good about these changes. The changes also affect my over-all attitude. I'm more upbeat and happy than I've been in ages. It seems that my 33rd year, as well as 2008, are leaps and bounds better than the year prior.

As I was walking out of work yesterday, sans coat, I realized how lucky I am. I have an amazing, supportive, and non-judgemental family. I have the most fantastic, fun, exciting, and sincere friends. I have a job I don't hate and co-workers that I really like. I have the most adorable, sweet, funny, and intelligent daughters in the world. I'm rich!!

Life is good. And tomorrow morning when I'm in severe pain walking up three flights of stairs with very sore thighs (thanks to my work-out today) I will smile.

Expect weekly updates on my drive to being healthy.


JulieAnn said...

You've inspired me to up my healthy-o-meter!

Anonymous said...

So great. You are my new hero.

Don said...

I just started jogging my mile again yesterday. It's amazing the difference being healthy has on your attitude.

Good job, keep it up!

JJ said...

I have also eliminated soda and sugar, and have started eating a lot healthier!!! Good Job!

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