Wednesday, August 06, 2008

We've all been there

Finally an embarrassing story at work that didn't happen to me!

Yesterday afternoon, most people were gone for the day, except for myself and a man who sits over the cubicle wall, so it was very quiet. A colleague from a different department stopped by to ask me some questions, and he was standing next to me looking at my monitor. I was mid-sentence in response, when out of nowhere, he lit a big, huge, FART.

What could I do? I kind of looked at him, looked at my screen, the wall behind me... "do I acknowledge it? Do I pretend like it didn't happen? Oh, it happened, and LOUD. Do I crack a joke? I can't think of what to say!!" So I picked up where I left off, and tried to continue answering his question.

His face turned bright red, and without looking at me he said something like "Well, now that's happened" and we both just burst out laughing. The man sitting over the wall from me said "That's okay, I do that at home all the time!" And the three of us were crying, because we were laughing so hard.

I tried to make him feel better by telling him that the average human needs to fart at least five times a day in order to be healthy. And hell, if he's going to embarrass himself, at least it's in front of me and not his director or VP. After that, he said "I think I'm just going to leave now. We can talk about my questions later."

He was a class act today though... he came over to my desk first thing this morning, and said "I just wanted to see if the air has cleared over here." laughter ensued. I still giggle thinking about it. Happens to the best of us, eh?

In other news, I've found a new place to live, and am in the process of packing and moving, hence my less frequent blogging. I'm terribly excited... I'm moving to a terrific location with one of the best schools in the county (according to their test scores and parent reviews). The location is near the mouth of the cottonwood canyons, within walking distance of a great recreation center, and just around the corner from one of my closest long-time friends. It's going to give me a whole new lease on life, and I can't wait!


Anonymous said...

That is embarrassingly hilarious.

I'm SO glad you've found a new place and in such a good location. Yay!! I hope the move goes smoothly and that you enjoy your new lease of life. :-)

- wry

Unknown said...

I've always wondered what the right way is to respond to something like that. I mean, it should just be like a burp. A simple "excuse me", and life goes on.

Let us know if you need some help with the move. I'm so glad you found a place that you like!