Sunday, March 18, 2007

Christy Savaging Degeneration: Text Messages and the Subject of Borders

It is my opinion that text messages are quite possibly the greatest invention of this century. Or have they been around longer? I'm not sure. Perhaps my friend Eric can give me further insight on that. I think I received my first ever text message in 2003, it was from my sister and it said "Boo!". Quite frankly I was a little afraid of it because I didn't know what it was or what to do with it. The whole "fear of the unknown" thing.

I was sitting in the waiting room of my Dr's office last week, and other than myself, the receptionist (who is probably Scarlett Johansson's identical twin sister) was the only other person in the room. I heard a cell phone beep and I watched as she picked her phone up and read the text message, and her entire face lit up. Then she had a couple of phone call interactions and receptionists frequently do, then resumed to responding to her text. She was giggling to herself and had a special glow about her... I couldn't help but wondering what the message exchange was, or who it was from. It was a fun experience in people watching.

Of course this reminded me of a couple of friends I owed texts to so I got my phone out and probably had similar expressions to those of the receptionist. All of this got me thinking about how great texts are. I believe they are the most convenient form of communication in this day and age. They're instant, and depending on the urgency, you can either respond immediately or take your time. You don't have to deal with voice to voice interactions or potential awkwardness.

Each time I get a text I feel special... I love seeing the little envelope on my display, is it wrong to be so excited over that? I remember when I first got the internet (Prodigy) in 1991, nothing would make my heart skip like seeing the "NEW MAIL" flashing sign. Nothing so small has made me so giddy ever since.

Not all of my texts are happy, wonderful messages. I get some sad, scary, and otherwise upsetting news as well. But receiving this via text allows me to deal with what I need to in my own way, without the pressure of instant response.

The one drawback to texts, is it can disengage people, especially if they're in a crowd of friends. I am so guilty of this! I have been in situations with a few friends where we'll be sitting together, but each off in our own world texting other people to our hearts content, when we probably should have been enjoying the company of each other. Oh, and I also ought to try to not text while driving. Although I have learned that nothing makes a stop light go faster than trying to text someone during the wait.

The point of this post is: If you want to make my day and know my cell phone number, send me a text! If you don't have my number but want it, let me know and if I know you and like you, I'll send it along.

You want to know what's better than texts? Picture texts! (but PLEASE, no chain/spam texts! I'll delete them just like I do the chain/spam emails!)

Does this post make me officially pathetic for being an attention whore?


Sideon said...

This is great. The way you described the receptionist reading the text message and the transformation of her expression was really nice.

Call me a stick-in-the-mud, but I hate telephones and cell phones. It's only been a year or so that I've done the text message thing. I love IM, but I hate being chained to a cell phone.

You touched on etiquette - I think you're right - people should turn off their phones and deal with the text messages when they're not with other folks. I'm guilty as charged in that respect, having been in situations where I've texted while with others or at a party - BUT - I also think it's rude and I minimize it or just don't do it. *getting off my soapbox*

Drop a line, anytime. Our mutual friend E has my number.

Anonymous said...

Hey - text sent! I hope you get it. :-)

Incidentally, I hate texting...takes forever on that small keypad...

Just one of many said...

I'd love to chat with you. My e-mail is I LOVE my texting. I always go over 1000 texts...last month I owed 60 dollars in additional text bills...oops!!

minijonb said...

That was me txting the Scarlett Johansson look-a-like... she's on it.


Sister Mary Lisa said...

u r so kewl

That's my text to you via blogger.

:) sml

Sumwun said...

OMG I also delete those annoying superstitious forwarded message chains. I will not let superstitious beliefs run my life. Who knew texts could be so wonderful. My phone plays a small sample of drums from the beginning of "Fly on the Windscreen" from Depeche Mode..I love to hear it.

Once tried to text my g/f "You make me happy" and it came out "You make of happy" with the quicktype. So I said it that way again and again after that. Until we broke up because I am a stupid prick.

I try not to sugar coat it. What good does it do me to point out her lack yo?

In the name of Jebus Twice Tut-ank-Amen

Anonymous said...

I still don't know how to text. I suppose it's time to learn. Perhaps you'll get my first one once I figure it out. :)

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I try to get on your blog and it gives me the 'blog does not exist' error, and I get a sinking feeling. But then it finally loads properly and I sigh in relief.

Hi, C! Hope my text made it to you over the ocean. :-)

Lemon Blossom said...

We haven't had a cell phone for a long time, but Gluby and I used to text message each other and I loved it! Now I feel the same way if I get an email from someone, especially if it's a new friend or something. Makes me feel like a geek, but I do love it. :)

Unknown said...

What a cool title for a blog! Could you drag us into the gutter?

from the ashes said...

ever try text message sex?


(I'm not offering.)