Thursday, December 14, 2006

Tagged by Sideon!

Sideon, it's a good thing I like you, or else I would tell you to piss up a rope! (I totally stole that from Pete Dunn)

I'm supposed to blog about six weird things about me. The thing is, I'm the most boring, normal person in the world. There really are not six weird things about me. Pete Dunn has a great idea- he said he's going to devote his next 6 posts that are weird facts about him. I briefly considered stealing that idea from him (Pete- don't hate! Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery!), but then I realized that my posts would be boring and normal. Here I go, trying to come up with six weird things about me, and I'll try to not be normal.

1. I love dust. I blame this on the fact that I'm low in iron. Everywhere I go, if I see dust, I wipe it. It's a sickness. I love watching the dust disappear. If there's a lot, I love to blow on it and watch the particles in the air. When I talk to co-workers, I will start dusting their desks without realizing it. I don't eat dust-- I just love playing with it. And I crave the smell from the dust on my window blinds in my bedroom, but only from there. My iron levels are dangerously low, even after taking supplements. I blame this on that.

2. I hum without knowing it. A couple of years ago I had a co-worker talking about how noises people make annoy her, and she said "But Christy's humming doesn't bother me". I said "What?? I don't hum! You must be hearing something else!" and she agreed with me. Later I was telling my cubie mate about this, and she said "Christy, you DO hum! Especially when you're concentrating on something." WTF?!?! Then the next day, I caught myself. Yeah, I hum. I've tried to stop, but I'm sure I still do it without realizing.

3. I have a few OCD traits, but they're probably pretty normal. I'm always afraid of leaving my flat iron or curling iron plugged in. I don't believe that they're really unplugged unless I actually touch the plug at least twice. I always forget, and have to run back to check. I've even driven away from my house, and had to turn around and go back home to make sure everything is unplugged. It ALWAYS is.

4. My fingers, toes, knees, and hips are double jointed. Here's the freak that I am- when I was 10 or 11 years old, I used to twist my fingers up before I took the sacrament. Most people try to twist their fingers, but they can't do it like I do. For me, it was a way to attract the boys passing the sacrament. Most girls try to primp and look pretty, but Christy tries to look deformed. I guess I really am a freak. Oh, and I can play Nintendo with my toes.

5. My memory is insane. In fact, I play it down so that people don't think that I'm stalking them. I remember everything about people. Their names, birthdays, where they're from, their phone numbers, etc. I pretend to forget the details, but I remember all of this of about 90% of people I meet. If I don't remember, it's because something must have distracted me when I learned the information. I usually lie and say I don't remember, just so I can feel like I'm normal.

6. I can talk really really fast. When I get nervous or speak in front of a crowd, I have to keep reminding myself to slow down my speech. My dad used to tell me that it sounded like I was speaking a foreign lanugage, I was speaking so fast.

Damn, those were really lame. I'm so boring. So now who do I torture by tagging?

Floating in the Milk
Regina Filangi
Cutie Patootie Rebecca


Anonymous said...

I would love to challenge you... When is my birthday? No pressure... you should know by now...after all it has been 30 years!! OMG... I feel old!!


Gluby said...

Wow. Actually, those are actually really fascinating.

1. Yep. You're weird. This fits into OCD. But see #3.

2. I've got you beat here (I'm weirder). You'll see when I finally get to doing my weirdness list -- basically, I get so stuck on simple melodies or portions of them that, out of a combination of boredom and compulsion, I start warping them, changing their scales and composing ridiculous 4-part ensembles. We're talking "I'm a Little Teapot Symphony in G minor." But I can't write or read music.

3. OCD is fun! This won't be listed on mine, because it doesn't exceed the weirdness threshold to make it into my top six, but I've got one that gets me weird looks sometimes. I keep my wallet in my back pocket. I ALWAYS need to make sure it's there. So, I casually pat my own butt two or three times a lot as I'm walking around in public. So what?

4. Gnarly! Can you peel a banana with your toes? How about an orange? (!)

5 and 6. Those are awesome. Isn't it called eidetic memory? I've got a terrible short-term memory -- I could be the textbook example of adult ADD. I HAVE to have met someone at least twice and then actually have some reason to know them to ever remember their name.

Gluby said...

Oh, by the way, speaking of weirdness.

In reference to your "Get Your Sexy On!" blog and the rather interesting discussion of an EXMO sex bus, I present you here with a beautiful photograph:

the sEXMObile

Oh, the sinfulness of it all.

Rebecca said...

I'm so jealous of your memory! That's AWESOME. Don't hide it - be a freak! REVEL in it. And I learned in a class once that people comprehend speech something like 4 times faster than anyone can really speak, so go ahead and speak crazy-fast. It'll do us good to make our brains work a little harder. Remember Six on "Blossom"? I don't know if I can do the tag or not. I'll have to think about it. I really, REALLY have nothing weird. Like really - NOTHING. Maybe that could be one of my weird things...

Christy said...

EMs, you KNOW I know when your birthday is! August 5th! I'm just a sucky friend who isn't very good about sending birthday wishes, even though I remember and always think about you on that day.

Gluby- thanks for your response and making me feel even more normal than I already did! :) I've not tried peeling a banana with my toes, but I bet I could do it, they're that weird. I just hate all things banana.

I LOVE the sEXMObile! You are awesome!!

Rebecca- you're one of the most fascinating people I know. You could probably list 6 boring details about yourself, and they would still be so interesting.

I DO remember Six on Blossom! I can totally talk JUST LIKE that!

Anonymous said...

Oh. my. GOD.

Well, you know we have #1 in common (Gluby, it's not OCD, it's pica, and it's a common side effect of common anemia...I have it too, only I can't stay away from detergents).

I also compulsively check to make sure things are turned off/unplugged.

I used to automatically memorize people's phone numbers and license plates...and yeah, I kept it on the DL so people wouldn't think I was weird(er).

And I abhor, loathe, and in all ways HATE bananas. :-)

Nicely done, girlfriend. Weird chicks RULE.

Anonymous said...

Oh. my. GOD.

Well, you know we have #1 in common (Gluby, it's not OCD, it's pica, and it's a common side effect of common anemia...I have it too, only I can't stay away from detergents).

I also compulsively check to make sure things are turned off/unplugged.

I used to automatically memorize people's phone numbers and license plates...and yeah, I kept it on the DL so people wouldn't think I was weird(er).

And I abhor, loathe, and in all ways HATE bananas. :-)

Nicely done, girlfriend. Weird chicks RULE.

Anonymous said...

Plus, I post comments twice, apparently. :-P

Gluby said...


Well, you know we have #1 in common (Gluby, it's not OCD, it's pica, and it's a common side effect of common anemia...I have it too, only I can't stay away from detergents).

I stand corrected. Does that also account for unwholesome love of the smell of gasoline?

Sideon said...

Sorry for the delayed response - I was pissing up a rope. It was long. The rope. Well... nevermind. I hate bragging.

Christy, I wonder if we're long lost twinners. But, I'd have to be the evil twin, and you're exceedingly more fabulous.

#1 - I love stirring up dust.
#2 - I'm a hummer. (get your dirty minds out of the gutter)
#3 - definite OCD traits, but mine involves locks
#4 - double jointed thumbs only
#5 - insane and wild memory
#6 - I talk fast. You should see me when I'm excited or angry WITH caffeine.

Be well :)

-Domokun- said...

Yeah, but you can't remember MY birthday! I say Fie! to your memory powers.

-Domokun- said...

P.S. Blogger Beta sucks. I tried like 8 times to post that previous comment before it went through.

Ros said...

I've had problems posting comments too.

So, because you tagged me does that mean I get to make you piss up a rope and how would you go about doing that?

Sister Mary Lisa said...

Oh, I'm so JEALOUS of your memory thing. What power! I'd yield that power with AUTHORITY if it were mine. Sadly, though, I don't have it. I'm book smart, but details like people's names, births of my neices and nephews, fun events from childhood, GONE.

If I didn't love you, I'd hate you.

Regina Filangi said...

Hey I am low in iron too!! It runs in my family. My mom and her mom were always anemic too! I love the smell of dirt and when I am pregnant, like now, I crave dirt. Don't worry, that is one craving I don't give in to!!

Bishop Rick said...

Sure, you can remember all kinds of things about your friends, but can you remember if they turned off the iron?

Sister Mary Lisa said...

Hi BR! Laughing hard at your comment here. Yeah, I might not have memories but at least I'm not OCD. :)

Anonymous said...

Yoikes. First my neuroses (or was it my stupid fears) and now 6 weird things about me. First of all, I don't think I can stop at 6 or prioritize them that finely. Second, do I have to do it publically?

On the other hand, I've never actually been tagged before and this is somewhat more interesting than the usual tag (what is your stripper name? what makes you throw up? Blah, blah, blah) AND since it's you, I will attempt to appease you on my blog. Stand by.

Anonymous said...

Also, I want to add that I share several of your weirdnesses. I also have a freakish memory--mostly for birthdays. When I was teaching school I could name on demand the birthdays--down to the year--of all 110 children I worked with currently (and all however-many that I had worked with previously). Not to mention almost everyone else I knew.

I also HATE all things banana (weird chicks unite indeed). I cannot even pick the bananas out of things because their influence is so insidious and malevolent that once something has been tainted with banana, it completely and in all parts and particles and forever after TASTES like banana. Bananas have ruined many an otherwise perfectly good jello salad for me.

I do the iron checking thing too. Including the driving home when I'm half-way to work to make sure when I already made sure sixteen times before I actually left.

I don't do the humming thing, but I am going to tell you what it means. It is particularly significant that you do it when you really concentrate on something. It means you have a strong auditory learning style and it helps you to retain information if you have some sound identified with what you're doing--particularly if you're in an otherwise fairly silent environment. (And I only made that up a little bit.)

Bishop Rick said...

This disdain for bananas by the females on this blog is somewhat disheartening...not sure why.

Gluby said...

I will try to goad my wife into speaking up for bananas.

Oops, just did it.

Me: Hey, honey!
Her: What?
Me: Do you like bananas?
Her: I guess. They're alright.
Me: Come on, do you like them or not?
Her: Not really.

(a minute later after an interruption)

Her: (thoughtfully) Actually, I really don't like bananas at all.

Damn it.

The boys and I love bananas.

On a different note, Christy and the rest of you OCers, what do you think of this?:

I can't help it!

Sister Mary Lisa said...

I like bananas. I wonder if this relates to why I have a worse memory than the other ladies here who hate bananas. Hmmmmm. But maybe this gives you hope, BR!

Gluby, I read that article. I'm so glad I don't have Tourettes. That would be tough. Or maybe it'd be liberating. ??

Christy said...

SO many comments for me to catch up on! I'm glad y'all are still around when I'm running around like a chicken with her head cut off. Smooches to all!

Wry- Of course we have all of those things in common. Remember, we're sisters in the universe! Yup, I'm so low in iron, hence my pica! I've been really good about taking supplements lately, but I still love the dust and ice. Go figure.

Sideon- It would be a true honor to be twinners with you! I'll start calling you my brother from another mother. I love that we have all of that in common. And I have a feeling we're hummers in both senses of the word! ;-) eh?

Domo- I know, I know, I totally suck! BUT BUT BUT I *did* remember it within a few days (after you reminded me) that's gotta count for something, right? Plus keep in mind that in October, my life was a whirlwind. Okay, it still is.

Ros- Why don't you tell me to piss up a rope and we'll find out how it can be done? ;-)

SML- Thanks! Seriously though, people think I'm a freak when I remember something they told me months or even years ago. It got difficult and unbelieving to explain that I just have this knack, so I pretend to forget a lot.

Regina- I hear you, sister! Some cravings you just can't give in to.

Bishop Rick- I KNOW! Can you believe it? I don't remember things that could possibly burn my house down, but I remember my friends birthdays. Go figure.

Belaja- being a wierd chick with you is a true honor! Yes, you have to reveal your weirdnesses publicly. Have you checked out Pete Dunn (Fiddley Gomme's) blog? He's devoting 6 posts having one weird thing about him each day.

And really about the auditory learning style? Yes, I tend to hum when I'm really concentrating on something. I didn't even know it until people pointed it out to me! Cool, thanks for the info!

Bishop Rick- I do hate the bananas, but I've said nothing about hating other things. Just sayin'...

Gluby- Like SML, I'm glad I don't have tourettes! Here's the thing- I *WISH* I liked bananas, I really do! They would make the perfect, healthy snack. I can't get past the smell or texture. Ew. OH! And there's nothing that pisses me of more than a co-worker who comes over to talk to me about something while peeling a banana, then tosses the peel in my garbage can! No THANK you!! Throw it away in your own damn can, I can't sit here smelling that all day! GRRRR!

Everyone- I'm sorry you're having problems with blogger beta. I can't switch back now. I know it's a pain, but I suggest copying everything before you try submitting your comments, that way you still have it and don't have to type it all out again.

Don said...

Always the lowest common denominator with you people.

Thank god for you all. And for hummers.

Anonymous said...

Here's the benefit of coming late to the conversation....nobody is gonna notice my post. one will know about my wierd traits. Even though I can't be "tagged" because I don't have a blog...I'm gonna say a couple wierd things about me just for fun!

First....ever since I was a kid I always thought that numbers and letters have gender...I still do. Like A is a girl...B is a boy...C is a girl...D & E are both boys. If anyone is interested, I can send you a list of the whole numbers have gender too...1 is a boy...2 & 3 are girls...etc....I don't know why or how they all came to be their particular gender...but it's always been the same. NO number or letter has EVER gotten a sex change operation or anything. And that's all I'm willing to say about my wierdness...because it just gets worse.

I like bananas, but I'm not a big orange fan...I can eat the oranges themselves...but, orang flavored anything else, like candy or chocolate or orange soda...ew...that's nasty! Can I be in your fruit hating club for that?

We like hummers too...

Christy said...

Shiree! Oh my hell, this is priceless! And people ARE going to notice your weirdnesses, I'll see to it. That's what BFF's do.

Numbers and letters are gendered?? That is SO.WEIRD.! Really! Okay, since you were so brave to confess that, I have another confession. For me, mentally, the calendar year goes in a circle. You start the year in January, and it starts heading down. The months keep going down until you get to June, and it flattens out in the bottom for the next few months and then you start at September where the direction is up. I don't know if this makes any sense, but this is how I visualize something that can't be seen. It's not a perfect circle, but very lopsided. I've tried drawing a picture of how I see it, but I can't make it work on paper. This is something for my strange mind only.

Oh, and I have photographic proof that you enjoy oranges after a shot of tequila! :) I love oranges and most things orange flavored, but not apples. I love fresh apples, but hate apple pie, apple flavored or scented anything.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha!!! I didn't think you'd think it was THAT wierd!!!

I love your visualization of the calendar in your head!!! That's awesome! I kind of do that with days of the M-F is one vertical line, and S&S are on top of eachother to the left of the vertical week day I get it!

This is fun...

Anonymous said...

OK Christy, Shiree has talked me into sharing some of my weirdness here for all to see....most of you don't know me anyway, so I feel that it's kinda safe!

I TOTALLY have the same OCD trait as you with the curling iron and thinking I left it on. Even if I am running late, I will turn around and go back to the house in fear that I left it on..I also do this with candles and I think it's still burning..

I have this weird thing when I see a series of numbers and letters (especially on liscence plates) I have to come up with an algebraic (sp??) equation for them. And then I have to try and firgure it out. I guess I liked algebra more than I thought in high school....but then again, my teacher was REALLY HOT, so that may have something to do with it.

I save caps for EVERYTHING. Even if I don't need the caps on hairspray and never really need them, but I have to keep them and know where they are when they are not on the bottles. And if they get mixed up it freaks me out!

I can't think of anything else right now. Was that weird enough?

Oh, and Shiree....I'm wondering.....what are the genders of the numbers "6" and "9" ?????? I need a visual here...

Anonymous said... you're THAT kind of dirty girl??? Guy-on-Guy huh?....."6" & "9" are both boys!

That's so funny...until now, I never thought about all the different numbers getting it on...

MattMan said...

Is it wrong that the first statement of #4 is turning me on? Just checking. ;)

Christy said...

Ha! Too funny Matt. Not wrong at all! ;-)