Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Guilty Pleasure Confession, Take I

I'm more giddy about this than should be allowed by law. When I was in high school, I was a closet 90210 fan. I couldn't admit to watching this show, because it wasn't very goth, and I was so totally. It wasn't until my first year of college that I started admitting to people that I watched 90210 and Melrose Place faithfully. I would actually re-arrange my plans so that I wouldn't miss these shows.... I know, very pathetic.

Here is my chance to re-live my high school and college years:

I actually graduated high school the same year as the 90210 and Saved By The Bell kids... class of '93! Last night I watched the first episode of 90210 and saw all those fashions... may they rest in peace FOREVER in 1990, please????


Phoebe said...

Goth? I had no idea.

Cool, Christie.

Christy said...

I was a goth indeed. Black clothes, vegetarian, no name brands displayed. I only listened to music like Depeche Mode and The Cure. Then I fell in love with Stephen (who became my very best friend in high school), and he brought me out of my darkness. But we both still loved Depeche Mode and The Cure, we were just happy about it. :) And I wore more varied clothing thereafter.

Ros said...

You know what this means, don't you? You now owe us some high school goth pictures.

Anonymous said...

I'm with Ros. Pictures please. :)

I loved Depeche Mode and The Cure (still do) but wasn't goth. I did, however, go through a couple of high school years in which I refused to wear any girl's clothing.

Christy said...

Honestly? I don't think I even have any pictures from my goth days! I've moved so many times since then, I think they've all been lost in the rumble. I remember going to homecoming when I was a sophomore and wearing a flowery dress and I was so embarrassed.

Meg, really, you didn't wear girls clothing? I remember my junior year, I discovered that I liked mens gap jeans so much better than girls jeans, so that's all I wore once I stopped wearing all black. Now I've got the... ahem... curves for womens jeans, so it's Old Navy or Express jeans for me!

Regina Filangi said...

I loved 90210 too. Don't feel too bad.

I went through a phase where I wore mens clothes too. I had a grunge/hip hop phase back in the early 90's. I got mens clothes because, you know, the baggier the better.

BTW do you still check you PM's over on Cherry? I sent you one. It says I'm pregnant. It's not a hoax. Go read it!!

Christy said...

regina filangi-- WHAT?!?!?! NO. WAY. !!!! Girlfriend, I am so happy for you! I've just read your blog and I'm so happy for you!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!

Ros said...

I went through a baggy-grunge phase. It took me a long time before I felt comfortable wearing clothes that actually fit. Like Meg, I rarely wore women's clothes.

Sister Mary Lisa said...

Just let it all out. Confess all. We understand!

You kinda look like the girl in the bottom middle picture of the Melrose Place photo. I never watched it so if she's the one everyone hated, I'm sorry!

Christy said...

I'm curious for you ladies who wore mens clothing for awhile... the more I think about it, the more I realize that I probably did too, without realizing it. Mormonism really trained my mind to be ashamed of my body. I felt like if someone was turned on by me or my body, it was my fault. I hid myself for too long. This thought really pisses me off.

SML- thanks for the compliment, girlfriend! The person you are referring to was a character named Jo, and she was actually one of the least bitchy Melrose characters. I wish I looked like the girl that everyone hated... Amanda, aka Heather Locklear. I still love her! :)

Randy said...

90210 was a guilty pleasure of mine in its early years. So earnest. So bad. So fun to watch!

Thunderchops said...

I never was into the Aaron Spelling shows, but I have plenty of embarrassing vices to make up for it.

Disco, Baz Luhrmann's flicks, and Debbie Harry are the tip of the iceberg.

I was a big fucking dork in high school with no real fashion sense. Some of the nicest people I knew identified themselves as goth.

Anonymous said...

Interesting question about why we wore men's clothes . . . I wore men's pants for one because I'm tall and girls jeans at the time made me look like I was preparing for a flood. I liked being able to choose the waist size and length combination that fit me. The rest of my clothing was basically t-shits, polo shirts, and flannels. I don't think my clothing choice was because I was ashamed of my body, it was more of a teenage wanting to be cool and different kind of thing.

Christy said...

Randy, thanks for being my Aaron Spelling buddy!

Chops- There's not a damn thing for being embarrassed about Baz Luhrmann's flicks. The man is pure genious and I love everything he's done. He needs to do more!

Meg- very interesting observation. I think that's why I wore men's jeans too, but I always wore really baggy shirts. It was the style back then, but I remember when bodysuits became all the rage and I was too ashamed of my body to wear them, even though I could have pulled the look off.

Randy said...

I love Baz Luhrman's "Romeo+Juliet," and not just because of the eye candy that is Clare Danes and Leonardo di Caprio.

I've always had a thing for bad TV. Once in law school, a friend and I were supposed to meet a member of our study group, but we saw in the paper that a certain actor had a made-for-tv movie on that night. We left a simple note on the chalkboard explaining everything: "Ted, Shatner's on TV."

Regina Filangi said...

I wore baggy clothes because I was really into hip hop and especially the girl group TLC and they wore baggy clothes all the time.

I also wanted to be cool, which I doubt I was.