Here are some things that I would do if I ruled my own world.
- Putting shoes on furniture would be an offense punishable by death. (I take my clean furniture seriously)
- Babies would sleep through the night from the get-go.
- Speaking of babies, you would have to fill out the proper paperwork and take certain classes before you're allowed to get pregnant. And pregnancy could be carried by either the man or the woman, whichever is more convenient.
- Orgasms would last longer.
- When you turn 35, you get the option of picking one year of your life to go back and live over, knowing then what you know now. When the year is over, you get a preview of what your life would be like if you did things differently, and then you can choose which of the years you want to keep in your memory bank.
- It would be possible to travel via apparation, floo powder, or portkey.
I reserve the right to add more to this list at a later time.