Sunday, October 22, 2006

My dreams

I have very odd, vivid dreams. It's a known joke around my office that when I approach someone and say "I had this dream last night..." they sit back and wait for the strange trips that are Christy dreams. I don't really believe that all dreams have deeper meaning, but I still think we can learn from them or try to make sense out of them.

Last night I had a dream that I was on my upcoming business trip. It was our last day there, and we were going to an amusement park prior to flying out. We only had time for one ride, so I looked at the map and picked out the biggest, scariest roller coaster that they had. The line wasn't really a line, but it was more like a waiting room with benches to sit on. So I was sitting on a bench waiting for my ride, and suddenly there were other co-workers there (who are not going on this trip). We were talking about how scared we were for this ride, and discussed why we chose it. This roller coaster didn't have your typical train with seats that you're buckled in to, but they were boats lead by pirates and there were no seatbelts. The boats swished sideways while you were going on the track head on.

Every time the boats came in to drop passengers off and pick new passengers up, the pirates looked over at the waiting area with the most daunting looks, and really odd, eerie music played. I was so scared, I couldn't even look at the pirates when they came by.

Finally it was my turn to ride, and I got into the boat with about 4 other people. We were headed up a track, and about to go down the first big hill. I was preparing to close my eyes and scream, but I decided to keep them open and watch what was going on. I ended up having a really fun, exhilarating ride. When it was over I was so glad that I did it, and stared my fear in the face instead of closing my eyes and screaming until it was over.

I'm not sure what this means, but I'm choosing for it to mean that my fear of traveling, or any of my other silly fears, are unfounded. Except now I have a new fear of pirates.


Bishop Rick said...

The meaning of this dream is obvious. Your fear of pirates is really a deep-rooted oppressed desire for other women. The fact that this takes place on a roller coaster tells me that you want your co-workers to watch.

The thing that concerns me is that you never close your eyes. This tells me that you are merely going thru the motions and are not serious.

So what is it? Women or not?

Anonymous said...

It says to me that your subconscious is successfully working out your fear of flying. That's a Good Thing. :-) Have a GREAT trip!!

La said...

I am a believer in dreams having deeper meanings. I'm not saying I think they're prophecies or anything, but they manifest the deeper recesses of the brain, where we don't go in our consciousness very often.

Yep. That.

Christy said...

Bishop Rick... dude, I just don't even know how to respond to that.

Wry- I think you're right. *sigh* I'm impressed that you remember that I have a fear of flying.

La- Good point. I do agree with you, but some of my dreams are just so out there, that I can't believe it has anything to do with the deeper recesses of my brain. Unless it's a sex dream with someone I'm attracted to... hehe.

Randy said...

Was there water in your dream? Was it deep? Was it still or flowing? Boats and water actually have some generalized meanings in dreams, but it's time for me to go home, so I'll have to revisit your dream a little later.

Christy said...

Randy you tease! Yes, there was water in my dream. There was water sloshing around in the boat and I believe the roller coaster had water too. Like it was a water slide but it was a roller coaster, so there was water throughout.

I'll try to be patient in waiting for your analysis.

Randy said...

damn, I had a water slide dream a couple of years ago, with me sliding down into a fast-moving river (but the locale was a port city with very slow moving rivers; go figure). Boats can represent voyages, as in a life voyage or a particular challenge in life, and the degree of turbulance or calm in the water can say something about the quality of the voyage, or not. Of course, in Christianity, water is a symbol for life. The up and down aspect of the roller coaster could be telling also. In my dream, I climbed a mountain shortly before I went down the water slide. Usually you go down before you go up--down into the subconscious before up into conscious self-understanding--so my going up before I went down was me having it ass-backwards. It could be that you were having a dream about self-exploration. As for the pirates, maybe you just want you some Johnny Depp. Probably the pirates mean something, but I couldn't say what.

Christy said...

Randy, I knew you would not fail me. You've given me a lot to think about. I'll have to ponder it and get back to you.

But yes, I've been wanting some Johnny Depp since I was 14. Can you blame me? ;-)

Randy said...

Another thing to think about--my therapist likes to look at dreams in terms of there being a part of my psyche in everbody in my dreams. So what about you was part of those pirates? Or part of those other people? That form of dream analysis gets kinda interesting when my sex dreams are at issue. I'm just saying.

from the ashes said...

Silly, the pirates are so obvious. They are testifying to you that the Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is the One True Gospel on the earth today. It's all about pirates!

I had a dream that I was out scuba diving, but I didn't have any gear. But I realized it was a dream (I never do that!) and thought, If it's a dream, I can breath under water without gear, so I just stuck my face in and breathed. It was awesome.


Christy said...

Randy... wow, that's deep. I honestly have no idea. That's going to cause me to do a lot more thinking. It is very interesting when you put the sex dream spin on it. I have sex dreams relatively often, and usually they're with co-workers. And not necessarily co-workers that I'm attracted to or would ever want to have sex with. Whenever it happens, I end up blushing and embarrassed the next day when I see them. Although I can't say I mind when it's someone that I am attracted to.

from the ashes-- you crack me up!! I think Randy needs to analyze your dream next!

Randy said...

I'm slowly inching my way into Carl Jung's writings. His writing informed dream analysis for years (and my therapist was on the board of directors of the local Jung Society, so anything I say will have a Jungian spin on it), though evidently some modern psychologists have rejected his theories.