Wednesday, October 25, 2006

In a Little While

I was lurking on a message board I used to post on... and to those of you nodding, shut up! Yes, I still lurk sometimes. You know how it goes, you can take the girl out of the Cherry, but you can't take the... oh wait, that's going to sound like something that it's not. (and to my friends from there who lurk here, hi! I miss you too! You really should blog with me!) Anyway, much to my surprise and delight, they resurrected my birthday thread from last March, just because Ros is a spazz. At around that time, my husband was asking for sketch ideas, and I told him I wanted him to draw a picture of me sandwiched between Bono and Brandon Flowers. I wanted to show off his talent, even if it's not quite the sandwich effect that I had in mind.

Please note that 7 months after the fact, it is still unfinished... but I think I want to keep it that way.


Anonymous said...

I may be a spazz, but I am dead serious when I say that cherry isn't the same place without you. We really miss you. Both you and Jer bring something there that is simply missing right now. I hope that this is simply a break and not a permanent absence.

La said...

Yeah, really! What gives?? I think I'm going to get you drunk so you'll spill your reasons...

I like the sketch, but where is the nudity? Can't have a Christy sandwich without nudity! :)

Rebecca said...

Wow - even I (the Queen of the Musically Ignorant) can tell which one is Bono and which is the guy I've never heard of. And also which one is you.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I was just lurking there too. Ros is's not the same there without her. I can't believe she totally ditched her Cherry birthday post calling and everything! Happy birthday domo...whenever it was.

But I really love that picture...jer is so talented!

Sister Mary Lisa said...

Very talented pic! Is it digitally done or is it on paper?


Anonymous said...

I think that we may have to stage a reverse intervention

La said...

I'm with ya Ros... say when and where and we'll get Christy set straight.

Christy said...

Wow, quite the response.

Ros- Thank you, I mean that with all sincerity. I put a lot of heart and soul into that place for a long time. It does make me feel good to know that I'm missed. Jer will keep posting there but I don't know about me. I'll never say never. Ros, Shiree, and La- thanks for missing me. Even though La didn't post there a lot, and I see La and Shiree in person all the time... haha! It's still nice to know that I'm missed.

SML- He drew this by hand, then scanned it in and traced the lines and colored it.

Domo- Oh I am SO sorry! Your birthday is in October, right??? Ah shit! Was it the 24th? I suck. Truth be told, our hard drive crashed earlier this summer (before the War on Jello even) and I lost my entire birthday list. Those that I still posted to, it was because I had their birthday memorized somehow (don't ask, I just have an insane memory). IIRC, your birthday was the 24th? I'm sorry. I'm calling on fellow Cherry posters to go wish Domo a belated Happy Birthday, okay? Jon, will you forgive me?

Christy said...

Domo, I'm so glad you had a happy birthday. I was a few days off... still impressive enough going on a memory from something you told me last winter?

Bishop Rick said...


Add Christy's while lie about the hard drive crash to your list :)

Regina Filangi said...

Since our computer is down I haven't posted on Cherry much but I did notice that you have been MIA from there for awhile! Whatever the reason I hope you don't stay gone forever! When we get our computer fixed I need to be entertained!!

Christy said...

Bishop Rick- Good one! But this is the honest truth.

Regina Filangi- You are so sweet, thank you. You can find me here in outer blogness, and I hope your computer gets fixed ASAP!

Miranda said...

I kind of like Jer's pic just the way it is. You are the star to the show, which you are!

Anonymous said...

Well, you already know what I think...not that that generally stops me from repeating what I think, repeatedly. :-) Why should you avoid a place where so many people love you, and want you to be?

Seriously, what's the answer to that question?

Anonymous said...

LMAO...I just realized I sound exactly like a goddam mormon in that last comment. :-D That means you can ignore me if you want...

Anonymous said...

PS - love Jer's picture of you and the fellows.

Christy said...

Miranda, I'm thrilled to see you here! And thank you, you are too kind.

Wry- you make me laugh the most. I don't think I'm necessarily avoiding the place. I check in once in awhile to see what's going on and read my PM's, and I really do miss the people. I just don't feel like there's a place for me there, anymore. I'm not trying to sound all dramatic and full of pity. I am grooving on the blogging world. I feel like I'm able to better express myself here, and as I've told you before, if people don't like what I have to say, they don't have to ever read my blog again.

ah shit. I don't know if any of this makes sense. I'm going off of about 2 hours of sleep from last night. I'll have to re-read this later and maybe I'll expand, maybe I'll delete.

Anonymous said...


Hey, for obviously selfish reasons we'd love you to post at Cherry, but y'know what? You really owe everyone at Cherry absolutely nothing! You were such a net contributor to our little goofball pirate gang that we clearly feel the void, but post over there only if it makes sense to you; otherwise, your point is damn fine taken that we can find you here.

Christy said...

Adam... you are the coolest big brother from another mother, and I love you to pieces. You know that. Perhaps one day I'll start posting at Cherry again, it really is nice to know I'm missed. I loved our little goofball pirate gang. But yes, you can find me here.