Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Whose Daughter?

I first saw this poem back when I was brand new to The View From The foyer. I believe it was posted by the husband of "From The Ashes". I love this poem!

Whose Daughter?

If I can't have her
Every morning every day
My head aches.

I take her at breakfast
And after breakfast.
I want her at lunch
And after lunch.
I need her at dinner
And after dinner.

She slides through my lips
And licks my tongue.
She comes in my mouth
And I'm a man
Down to my core.

Burning incense,
I take her leisurely
On my sheepskin at home.
If I need her really bad,
Any bar we're in will do,
And I take her standing up.

Whose daughter would do this,
Kiss after kiss after kiss
All day and all night long?
Is such behavior wrong?
Look in your pot on the fire.
I'll tell you her name--coffee.

-Reesom Haile, poet laureate of Eritrea
Translated by Charles Cantalupo


Sister Mary Lisa said...

Oooh, pretty hot poem, if you ask me. No pun intended, really.

Christy said...

pretty hot poem, indeed. I'm glad you appreciate! :)

Rebecca said...

Well, no email address, so I'm leaving this in your comments. It's your own fault!

I did NOT know you knew my brother and his wife! They're SO AWESOME. Two of my most favoritist people EVER! Did you know they're expecting? CRAZY!!! Who lets nutjobs like them SPAWN??? The kid is going to crazy-awesome.

They're in Seattle right now, but thinking of maybe moving back to Utah so Chrissy can finish her degree at UVSC. Also, I think maybe all this change (baby stuff) is making them feel insecure, and they kind of feel safe in Utah since they lived there for so long. Anyway, you've probably seen their website, but if you haven't there are links to it on my blog (I think). It's kikiandsquishy.com.

Christy said...

Rebecca- you can email me at christyput at yahoo dot com anytime! Anyway, I did see Spencers blog where he stated that Chrissy is pregnant. I think they'll be great parents. They tolerated my daughters very well when we met them for lunch. That is the sure sign of a good parent!

Why didn't you come to the War on Jello?!!?!?!? We could have become friend way back then!

Rebecca said...

Spencer and Chrissy LOVE kids. They're WEIRDLY great with them. Especially the little ones. They actually ENJOY playing with cars and action figures on the floor for hours at a time. Definitely a unique quality. So, yeah, they'll be great parents. Except they'll probably name it something like Megatron or Gandalf. I should probably email this instead of leaving it in your comments. And yet...

Christy said...

Rebecca, it's dangerous to leave my husband alone with Spencer and Chrissy for too long, because they start talking about comic books and transformers and stuff like that, and my eyes glass over.

from the ashes said...

Ah, isn't that a great poem? And, no, it was closet doubter's husband, not fta's husband. ;)

Christy said...

oops fta... forgive me? ;-)